Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
Find the Point | Given two points P and Q, output the symmetric point of point P about Q. | C++ | Easy |
Maximum Draws | Count the minimum Draws | Python | Easy |
Handshake | Count the number of Handshakes in a board meeting. | Python | Easy |
Minimum Height Triangle | Find the smallest height of a triangle preserving the given constraints. | Python | Easy |
Army Game | Find the minimum number of supply packages Luke must drop to supply all of his army bases. | Python | Easy |
Leonardo’s Prime Factors | Find the maximum number of prime factors for any number in the inclusive range from 1 to n. | Python | Easy |
Connecting Towns | Find the Number of ways to in which one can travel from one town to another. | Python | Easy |
Cutting Paper Squares | Determine the number of cuts needed to cut a paper into $1 \times 1$ squares. | Python | Easy |
Summing the N series | Sum the N series. | Python | Medium |
Sherlock and Moving Tiles | Help Sherlock in identifying the overlapping area. | Python | Easy |
Best Divisor | Find the best divisor of the number! | Python | Easy |
Restaurant | Help Martha with her interview at Subway | Python | Easy |
Reverse Game | Print the final position of the index. | Python | Easy |
Strange Grid Again | find the integer in c-th column in r-th row of the grid. | Python | Easy |
Diwali Lights | Number of ways to light the room | Python | Medium |
Sherlock and Divisors | Help Sherlock in Counting Divisors. | Python | Easy |
Sherlock and Permutations | Help Sherlock in counting permutations. | Python | Hard |
Even Odd Query | Is the number odd or even? | C++ Python | Hard |
Special Multiple | Can you find the least positive integer that is made of only 0s and 9s? - 30 Points | C Python | Medium |
Matrix Tracing | How many ways can you trace a given matrix? - 30 Points | Python | Hard |
Die Hard 3 | Help Bruce and Samuel save the city by solving their puzzle | Python | Medium |
Halloween party | Help Alex give Silvia the maximum number of chocolates | Python | Easy |
Filling Jars | Perform the multiple queries on the list. And print average. - 20 Points | Python | Easy |
Is Fibo | Find out if a number is a Fibonacci Number or not. | Python | Medium |
K Candy Store | In how many ways can you select K candies out of N different types of candies when each of the N candies are infinite in number? | Python | Medium |
Sumar and the Floating Rocks | Count the number of integral rocks between Harry and Hermoine | Python | Easy |
Russian Peasant Exponentiation | The only correct way to raise numbers in powers. | Python | Easy |
Bus Station | Find all suitable bus sizes | Python | Medium |
Most Distant | Measure the gap between the two most distant coordinates. | Python | Easy |
Jim and the Jokes | Jim is running out of jokes! Help him finding new jokes. | Python | Medium |
Possible Path | Help Adam in reaching at aa particular point. | Python | Easy |
Mutual Recurrences | Compute terms in a mutual recurrence. | C++ Python | Medium |
Number Theory
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
Constructing a Number | Construct a number divisible by 3 from the given numbers by reordering their digits. | Python | Easy |
Closest Number | What is the closest number? | Python | Medium |
Sherlock and GCD | Help Sherlock in finding the subset. | Python | Easy |
Primitive Problem | Find the primitive roots of a prime number. | Python | Easy |
Identify Smith Numbers | Write a program to check whether a given integer is a Smith number. | Python | Easy |
Euler’s Criterion | Detect whether the number is a quadratic residue. | Python | Easy |
Twins | How many pairs of twins can you find? | Python | Medium |
Fibonacci Finding (easy) | Find some Fibonacci numbers! | Python | Easy |
Little Panda Power | Compute A^B mod X | Python | Hard |
Mehta and his Laziness | How will Mehta do these calculations? | Python | Hard |
Minimal Distance to Pi | Given a range of denominators, find the common fraction that best approximates Pi. | Python | Hard |
Help Mike | Help Mike attend the NSA meeting | Python | Hard |
Dancing in Pairs | Find out if they can dance in pairs? | Python | Hard |
The Chosen One | Given a list of integers, find and print an integer that is a divisor of all but one integer in the list. | Python | Medium |
Power of large numbers | How much does Hackerland coach pay to get Cristiano Ronaldo to play for his team? | Python | Medium |
Salary Blues | Help manager of HackerX company to normalize salaries. | Python | Medium |
Akhil and GF | Help Akhil in impressing his girlfriend | Python | Hard |
Little Ashish’s Huge Donation | Help Ashish calculate donations. | C++ | Hard |
Manasa and Factorials | Think about number of zeros in k! | Python | Hard |
Number of zero-xor subsets | How many subsets with zero xor are here? | Python | Medium |
Breaking Sticks | Find the length of the longest sequence of moves. | C++ | Medium |
Cheese and Random Toppings | How many ways are there to choose exactly R toppings from N toppings? | Python | Easy |
Easy GCD | Find the maximum number less than K such that GCD of all numbers is still more than one! | Python | Medium |
Satisfactory Pairs | How many pairs of integers give a solution? | C++ | Hard |
Manasa loves Maths | Find out if any permutation of the given number is divisible by 8. | Python | Medium |
Largest Non-Coprime Submatrix | Given a matrix find the largest coprime submatrix. | C++ | Hard |
John and GCD list | Help John in making a list from GCD list | Python | Easy |
Divisor Exploration II | Find the product of a sequence and then calculate the summation of its divisors. | Python | Hard |
Strange numbers | How many strange numbers belong to interval [L, R]? | Python | Hard |
Easy math | Help Johnny in figuring out the value of Y | Python | Medium |
Equations | Find the number of positive integral solutions for an equation. | Python | Medium |
Binomial Coefficients | Calculate how many binomial coefficients of n become 0 after modulo by P. | Python | Medium |
Lucy and Flowers | Help Lucy’s father with a computation involving flowers | C++ | Medium |
Divisor Exploration 3 | Find the value given at the root of a tree constructing by the given rules. | C++ Python | Hard |
Superpowers of 2 | Just another numbers problem… | Python | Advanced |
Sherlock Puzzle | Help Sherlock get close to his Arch Nemesis, Jim Moriarty. | Python | Hard |
Divisibility of Power | Divisibility Test. | Python | Medium |
Devu Vs Police | Help Devu escape from police | Python | Hard |
Long Permutation | Determine the n^th element of an infinite permutation! | Python | Hard |
Megaprime Numbers | Count the number of primes in a given range that consist only of prime digits. | Python | Medium |
Divisor Exploration | Find and print the number of divisors for each dataset. | Python | Hard |
Prime Sum | Represent a number as sum of primes. | Python | Medium |
nCr | Given n and r, in how many ways can r items be chosen from n items? | Python | Expert |
Fibonacci GCD | Find gcd for n fibonacci numbers. | Python | Hard |
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
nCr table | Help Jim calculating nCr values | C++ Python | Medium |
Coinage | Find the number of ways to pay a given amount, given a set of coins with prescribed denominations. | Python | Medium |
Building a List | Generate all possible combinations of a string | Python | Medium |
Merge List | Help Shashank in merging two list. | Python | Medium |
A Chocolate Fiesta | Find the number of even subsets in the given set of numbers. | Python | Easy |
Sherlock and Pairs | Count the number of pairs that satisfy a given constraint. | Python | Medium |
Picking Cards | How many ways can you pick up all the cards from a table? | Python | Easy |
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
Combo Meal | Find the profit that a fast-food chain earns at each purchase. | Python | Easy |
Stepping Stones Game | Can you tell Bob, if he should play Stepping Stones or not ? | Python | Medium |
Shashank and List | Help Shashank in Huge calculations. | Python | Medium |
Triangle Numbers | Given a triangle numbers where each number is equal to the sum of the three top numbers, find the first even number in a row. | Python | Medium |
Little Gaurav and Sequence | Help Gaurav in calculating last digit of a sequence. | Python | Medium |
Easy sum | Find the mod sum | Python | Hard |
Difference and Product | Answer a question about Difference and Product | Python | Easy |
Pythagorean Triple | Find the Pythagorean triple for the given side a. | Python | Easy |
Number Groups | Find the sum of consecutive odd number groups. | Python | Easy |
Tell the Average | Tell me average of all list value. | Python | Medium |
Wet Shark and 42 | Help Wet Shark escape the gods of 42. | Python | Easy |
Sherlock and Square | Help Sherlock in finding the total side lengths of squares. | Python | Hard |
Manasa and Sub-sequences | Help Manasa in getting candies | Python | Medium |
Simple One | Calculate the tan function of a given equation. | Python | Easy |
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
Points On a Line | Given a set of coordinates, determine if they fall in an horizontal or vertical line. | Python | Easy |
Rectangular Game | What’s the largest number in the rectangular grid? | Python | Easy |
Sherlock and Counting | Help Sherlock count numbers satisfying an inequality. | Python | Easy |
Sherlock and Planes | Help Sherlock with points on planes. | Python | Easy |
Circle City | Determine whether Roy’s city can be saved or not. | Python | Medium |
Xrange’s Pancakes | Determine who needs to be added to the end of the line to restore the pancake to its initial orientation. | Python | Easy |
Baby Step, Giant Step | Find the minimum number of steps needed to get to point $(d, 0)$. | Python | Medium |
Points on a Rectangle | Determine if a set of points coincides with the edges of a non-degenerate rectangle. | Python | Easy |
A Circle and a Square | Draw a circle and a square at specific coordinates within a raster image. | C++ | Medium |
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
Random number generator | what’s the probability that x + y is less than C? | Python | Easy |
Sherlock and Probability | Help Sherlock in finding the probability. | Python | Hard |
Day 4: Normal Distribution #1 | Problems based on basic statistical distributions. | Python | Medium |
Day 4: Normal Distribution #2 | Problems based on basic statistical distributions. | Python | Medium |
Normal Distribution #3 | Problems based on basic statistical distributions. | Python | Hard |
B’day Gift | Whats the price Isaac has to pay for HackerPhone | Python | Easy |
Extremely Dangerous Virus | Estimate how large the virus will grow. | Python | Medium |
Binomial Distribution #1 | Problems based on basic statistical distributions. | Python | Medium |
Binomial Distribution #2 | Problems based on basic statistical distributions. | Python | Hard |
Binomial Distribution #3 | Problems based on basic statistical distributions. | Python | Hard |
Linear Algebra Foundations
Name | Preview | Code | Difficulty |
Linear Algebra Foundations #1 - Matrix Addition | The basics of linear algebra and matrices as required in Machine Learning. | text | Easy |
Linear Algebra Foundations #2 - Matrix Subtraction | The basics of linear algebra and matrices as required in Machine Learning. | text | Easy |
Linear Algebra Foundations #3- Matrix Multiplication | Matrix Multiplication of 2x2 Matrices | Python text | Easy |
Linear Algebra Foundations #4- Matrix Multiplication | Matrix Multiplication of 2x2 Matrices | Python | Easy |
Linear Algebra Foundations #5 - The 100th Power of a Matrix | Compute the 100the power of a given matrix. | Python | Medium |
Linear Algebra Foundations #6 - An Equation involving Matrices | Solve an equation involving matrices. | text | Medium |
Linear Algebra Foundations #7 - The 1000th Power of a Matrix | Compute the 1000th power of the given matrix. | Python text | Hard |
Linear Algebra Foundations #8 - Systems of Equations | A system of equations with no solutions. | Python | Hard |
Linear Algebra Foundations #9 - Eigenvalues | Compute the Eigenvalues of the following 2x2 matrix. | text | Hard |
Linear Algebra Foundations #10 - Eigenvectors | Compute the EigenVectors of the following 2x2 matrix. | Python | Medium |
Determinant of the matrix #1 | Basic problems related to determinants. | Python | Medium |
Determinant of the matrix #2 | Basic problems related to determinants. | text | Hard |
Determinant of the matrix #3 | Basic problems related to determinants. | text | Medium |
Eigenvalue of a Matrix I | Basic problems related to eigenvalues. | Python | Hard |
Eigenvalue of matrix #2 | Basic problems related to eigenvalues. | Python | Hard |
Eigenvalue of matrix #3 | Basic problems related to eigenvalues. | Python | Hard |
Eigenvalue of matrix #4 | Basic problems related to eigenvalues. | Python | Hard |